
I'm so happy you are visiting my blog. This is a very first of its kind for me. I'd love to have you leave me a message and tell me about yourself. Since I work full time during the school year, I have been trying to organize my home environment; work room, garden, as well as the garden and storage shed.

After taking a week-long class last week, I have to work on finishing up the work assignments to complete the course. So, I'm off to do just that!

Take care, Adrienne

Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Life After Retirement

Since my retirement I have been involved with "It's My Very Own" Bags of Love ministry which is a community service.  Our group makes duffle bags and place a hand-made  quilt/comforter, toys, personal care items, and stuffed animals in the bag which are age/gender appropriate.  These bags are then given to children who are placed in foster care in our county.  It's a lot of work but very rewarding!